
Do you have comments? Suggestions? Questions that weren’t answered on our FAQ page? Please shoot us an email or leave a voicemail message according to the following table:

Youth 8-14uFacilities, General Info, Registrations, RulesMatt Creasermattc@gsltournaments.com
(253) 576-3101
Central/Eastern WAFacilities, General Info, Registrations, RulesDustin Mingadustin.minga@gsltournaments.com(253) 682-9517
High School 15-18uFacilities, General Info, Registrations, RulesDylan Kilmurraydylank@gsltournaments.com(253) 209-1784
High School 15-18uFacilities, General Info, Registrations, RulesGarrett Degalliergarrett.degallier@gsltournaments.com(425) 985-4984

Interested in umpiring? Please contact one of our umpiring partners: